Shock-Induced Phase Transition of Single Crystal Copper
A Neogi and N Mitra, 61ST DAE-SOLID STATE PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM, 1832, 030011 (2017).
DOI: 10.1063/1.4980190
We have carried out a series of multi-million atoms non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the effect of crystal orientation over the shock induced plasticity and phase transformation in single crystal copper. Crystallographic orientation of 100, 110 and 111 has been studied for various intensity of shock ranging from 1.0 km/s to 3.0 km/s. During shock wave propagation along <100> and <110>, a FCC-to-BCC phase transformation has been observed to occur behind the shock front at higher intensity of shock. Nucleated body centered phase is identified through common neighbor analysis, polyhedral matching template method, radial distribution function and also from the energetic of the particles.
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