Understanding scale-dependent soft-error behavior of scientific applications
G Kestor and IB Peng and R Gioiosa and S Krishnamoorthy, 2018 18TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID), 482-491 (2018).
DOI: 10.1109/CCGRID.2018.00075
Analyzing application fault behavior on large-scale systems is time- consuming and resource-demanding. Currently, researchers need to perform fault injection campaigns at full scale to understand the effects of soft errors on applications and whether these faults result in silent data corruption. Both time and resource requirements greatly limit the scope of the resilience studies that can be currently performed. In this work, we propose a methodology to model application fault behavior at large scale based on a reduced set of experiments performed at small scale. We employ machine learning techniques to accurately model application fault behavior using a set of experiments that can be executed in parallel at small scale. Our methodology drastically reduces the set and the scale of the fault injection experiments to be performed and provides a validated methodology to study application fault behavior at large scale. We show that our methodology can accurately model application fault behavior at large scale by using only small scale experiments. In some cases, we can model the fault behavior of a parallel application running on 4,096 cores with about 90% accuracy based on experiments on a single core.
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