More power to the individual modeller using ontologies
HA Preisig and AT Elve and S Karolius, 29TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING, PT A, 46, 1099-1104 (2019).
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818634-3.50184-3
Ontology driven process simulation yields a significant improvement not only in terms of accelerating the modelling process itself, but also the quality. Time saving allows for exploring many more alternatives in a shorter time, thus the domain of design for a given process, is readily expanded and quality reduced debugging. To make the use of ontologies successful, one needs to step away from the common data-mining utilisation of ontology, but rather use them to control and guide the modelling process. The construction of the ontology itself is a stage- wise process, where the previously added knowledge is used to control the next stage. From the root definition to the structure of the multi- disciplinary domain, to adding the mathematical description, to designing the controls of the modelling-user graphical interface, the control of constructing the model interactively, to the instantiation an the numerical solution to the visualisation, the ontology is involved at every state improving the overall task equally on every stage.
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