Molecular dynamics simulation of platinum film growth based on thermal evaporation method
R Marimpul and T Winata and FA Noor and I Syuhada and A Rosikhin, 3RD MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF INDONESIA MEETING (MRS-ID 2018), 622, 012015 (2019).
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/622/1/012015
Platinum film growth using thermal evaporation method was studied using molecular dynamics simulation. This platinum film was intended as catalyst film for graphene growth. Tersoff, Eam and Lennard-Jones potential were used to describe interaction of Si-Si, Pt-Pt and Pt-Si respectively. Deposition process was performed with low incident energy to represent thermal evaporation method. Our simulation found that heating temperature at 400 K produced platinum film with higher percentage of crystal structure than other heating condition 300K, 500K & 600K. We also found transition phase from fcc to bcc at 600K.
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