Universal Low-Frequency Vibrational Modes in Silica Glasses
S Bonfanti and R Guerra and C Mondal and I Procaccia and S Zapperi, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 125, 085501 (2020).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.085501
It was recently shown that different simple models of glass formers with binary interactions define a universality class in terms of the density of states of their quasilocalized low-frequency modes. Explicitly, once the hybridization with standard Debye (extended) modes is avoided, a number of such models exhibit a universal density of states, depending on the mode frequencies as D(omega) similar to omega(4). It is unknown, however, how wide this universality class is, and whether it also pertains to more realistic models of glass formers. To address this issue we present analysis of the quasilocalized modes in silica, a network glass that has both binary and ternary interactions. We conclude that in three dimensions silica exhibits the very same frequency dependence at low frequencies, suggesting that this universal form is a generic consequence of amorphous glassiness.
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