Recorder 2.0: Efficient Parallel I/O Tracing and Analysis

C Wang and JH Sun and M Snir and K Mohror and E Gonsiorowski, 2020 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW 2020), 1052-1059 (2020).

DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00176

Recorder is a multi-level I/O tracing tool that captures HDF5, MPI-I/O, and POSIX I/O calls. In this paper, we present a new version of Recorder that adds support for most metadata POSIX calls such as stat, link, and rename. We also introduce a compressed tracing format to reduce trace file size and run time overhead incurred from collecting the trace data. Moreover, we add a set of post-mortem and visualization routines to our new version of Recorder that manage the compressed trace data for users. Our experiments with four HPC applications show a file size reduction of over 2x and reduced post-processing time by 20% when using our new compressed trace file format.

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