Local Plastic Properties near Grain Boundary in Magnesium by Nanoindentation

K Sudo and D Matsunaka and H Somekawa, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS AND MATERIALS, 85, 1-6 (2021).

DOI: 10.2320/jinstmet.JD202001

Effects of a grain boundary (GB) on local mechanical properties in magnesium were investigated by nanoindentation. Based on the evaluated activation volume values, it was found that pop-in phenomena in matrix and near GB could be attributed to equivalent defect events. The pope in load and hardness were higher for indentation near GB than in matrix, due to dislocation-GB interaction. Formation of 10 (1) over bar2 deformation twins was observed in the vicinity of the indents. The twin growth was found to be suppressed near GB.

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