Multiple stable dynamic responses based on interlayer and edge coupling effect in carbon nanotube transmission system

RS Zhao and H Yin and L Wang and Q Yue, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 190, 110305 (2021).

DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110305

The interlayer and edge coupling effect in carbon nanotube (CNT) based rotation transmission system (RTS) is one of the key issue for precise control. Taking the advantages of multiple edge layouts in armchair CNTs and interlayer rotating stability in zigzag CNTs, the dynamic responses of concentric heterogeneous CNT as rotating rotor is systematically studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Both the synchronous and asynchronous transmission results detected from heterogeneous rotor are extremely stable. The interlayer friction can continually change with speed or chirality distribution, which also determines whether rotor rotates synchronously with motor or not. There exist two kinds of edge layouts, i.e. Head-to-Head and Plug-In, that can provide constant frequency differences and constant output frequency respectively. The coupling effect from transmission edge can make an adjustment with interlayer friction for feasible equilibrium state of rotor.

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