Compositional trends in surface enhanced diffusion in lead silicate glasses

A Annamareddy and M Molina-Ruiz and D Horton-Bailey and F Hellman and YH Li and L Yu and D Morgan, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 206, 111304 (2022).

DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111304

In this work, we use molecular dynamics simulations to study the enhancement of surface over bulk diffusion (surface enhanced diffusion) in (PbO)(x)(SiO2)(1-x) glasses. This work is motivated to better understand surface diffusion in glasses and its connection to fragility, and to enhance surface diffusion in silica and related glasses for greater thermodynamic stability during vapor-deposition. By adding PbO to silica, the fragility of glass increases continuously for 10% <= x <= 70% during experiments. The increase in fragility may correspond to an increase in surface enhanced diffusion, as fragility and surface diffusion are correlated. We observe that for the silicates investigated, while surface enhanced diffusion increases with fragility, the enhancement is quite small. The slower diffusing Si and O atoms have higher enhancements, which could allow for some surface stabilization effects. We demonstrate that there are only small changes in atomic arrangements, consistent with the similar diffusion rates, at the surface as compared to bulk. Finally, we examine the trend of bulk versus surface diffusion in view of previous observations in organic and metallic glasses and found that in oxides, fragility increase may not be strongly linked to enhanced surface diffusion.

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