Deformation twinning to dislocation slip transition in single-crystal tantalum under dynamic compression

MX Tang and C Li and Y Cai and SN Luo, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 57, 6026-6038 (2022).

DOI: 10.1007/s10853-022-06975-6

The deformation twinning to dislocation slip transition is observed in large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of single-crystal tantalum under dynamic loading, along with double plastic zones during the transition. The transition is accompanied by temperature rise and fast stress relaxation. Rapid nucleation and propagation of twins at the shock front give rise to a plastic precursor, followed by a dislocation- mediated plastic wave during the transition. These transient double plastic zones can be resolved via ultrafast x-ray or electron diffraction measurements and can help to improve time-dependent deformation models. GRAPHICS

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