The physics of liquid-to-solid transitions in multi- domain protein condensates

S Ranganathan and E Shakhnovich, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121, 2751-2766 (2022).

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2022.06.013

Many RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that assemble into membraneless organelles have a common architecture including disordered prion-like domain (PLD) and folded RNA-binding domain (RBD). An enrichment of PLD within the condensed phase gives rise to formation, on longer time scales, of amyloid-like fibrils (aging). In this study, we employ coarse-grained Langevin dynamics simulations to explore the physical basis for the structural diversity in condensed phases of multi-domain RBPs. We discovered a highly cooperative first-order transition between disordered structures and an ordered phase whereby chains of PLD organize in fibrils with high nematic orientational order. An interplay between homodomain (PLD-PLD) and heterodomain (PLD-RBD) interactions results in variety of structures with distinct spatial architectures. Interestingly, the different structural phases also exhibit vastly different intracluster dynamics of proteins, with diffusion coefficients 5 times (disordered structures) to 50 times (ordered structures) lower than that of the dilute phase. Cooperativity of this liquid-solid tran- sition makes fibril formation highly malleable to mutations or post- translational modifications. Our results provide a mechanistic understanding of how multi-domain RBPs could form assemblies with distinct structural and material properties.

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