Computer simulation of liquid metals

DK Belashchenko, PHYSICS-USPEKHI, 56, 1176-1216 (2013).

DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201312b.1281

Methods for and the results of the computer simulation of liquid metals are reviewed. Two basic methods, classical molecular dynamics with known interparticle potentials and the ab initio method, are considered. Most attention is given to the simulated results obtained using the embedded atom model (EAM). The thermodynamic, structural, and diffusion properties of liquid metal models under normal and extreme (shock) pressure conditions are considered. Liquid-metal simulated results for the Groups I - IV elements, a number of transition metals, and some binary systems (Fe - C, Fe - S) are examined. Possibilities for the simulation to account for the thermal contribution of delocalized electrons to energy and pressure are considered. Solidification features of supercooled metals are also discussed.

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