Effect of Grain Boundary Misorientation on Spall Strength in Ta via Shock-Free Simulations with Relatively Few Atoms
J Caulkins and C Fauver and S Adibi and J Wilkerson, METALS, 12, 1586 (2022).
DOI: 10.3390/met12101586
A suite of 37 molecular dynamics simulations is conducted at two system sizes to systematically characterize the role of grain boundary (GB) misorientation on spall strength in pure BCC tantalum (Ta). The systems studied consist of bicrystals with a single 110 symmetric tilt grain boundary. Two loading conditions are compared: (i) homogeneous extension under uniaxial strain simulated in this study and (ii) piston/flyer impact of sample, which induces heterogeneous deformation via shockwave propagation along the length of the sample. The piston/flyer impact is taken from the literature and run on the same set of GB misorientation angles using LAMMPS. The major finding here is that both methods result in similar spall strength predictions, but the homogeneous extension method generally requires two to three orders of magnitude fewer atoms and similar reductions in computational costs. Spall strength results systematically overpredict using this method, by about 10% for the dataset three orders of magnitude smaller than piston/flyer simulations, and 5% for the dataset two orders of magnitude smaller. Lastly, the effect of system size and pre-compression magnitude on spall strength is systematically characterized.
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