Quantification of the atomic surfaces and volumes of a metal cluster based on the molecular surface model

YF Yu and JZ Cui, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 98, 045704 (2023).

DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/acbca8

The atomic volume and surface are important geometric quantities for calculating various macroscopic physical quantities from atomistic models. This paper proposes a new analytical method to calculate the atomic volumes and surfaces of a metal cluster. This method adopts metallic radii to describe atom sizes and constructs the overall volume/surface by the molecular surface (MS) model. It divides cluster atoms into two types: interior atoms and boundary atoms. For an interior atom, the method defines a variational Voronoi cell as its volume. For a boundary atom, the method defines the intersection of the overall cluster volume and its variational Voronoi cell as its volume. The atomic surfaces are calculated along with the volume calculations. Compared with other methods, the new method considers the effect of atom sizes and does not rely on the size and location of the simulation box. Therefore, the new method can accurately calculate the overall volume of a metal cluster of arbitrary shape and the individual atomic volumes. This method provides computational support for multiscale coupled calculations from the microscale to macroscale.

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