Using limited neural networks to assess relative mechanistic influence on shock heating in granular solids
BW Hamilton and TC Germann, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 7, 085601 (2023).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.085601
The rapid compaction of granular media results in localized heating that can induce chemical reactions, phase transformations, and melting. However, there are numerous mechanisms in play that can be dependent on a variety of microstructural features. Machine learning techniques such as neural networks offer a ubiquitous method to develop models for physical processes. Limiting what kind of microstructural information is used as an input and assessing normalized changes in network error, the relative importance of different mechanisms can be inferred. Here we utilize binned, initial density information as network inputs to predict local shock heating in a granular high explosive trained from large- scale molecular dynamics simulations. The spatial extent of the density field used in the network is altered to assess the importance and relevant length scales of the physical mechanisms in play, where different microstructural features result in different predictive capabilities.
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