Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics studies of thermal diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in low concentration zirconium hydrides

X Zhou, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 587, 154750 (2023).

DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154750

Tritium permeability in zirconium-based tritium getter critically impacts tritium storage and environmental safety during operation of tritium-producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs). Previous experiments indicated that during irradiation operation, the hydrogen equilibrium pressured is increased. Further experimental and modeling studies suggested that the enhanced tritium release observed for reactor scale assemblies might be related to a thermal diffusion known as the Soret effect. A direct measurement of the Soret factor, however, has not been performed. To improve TPBAR and other nuclear applications, here we have applied two nonequilibrium molecular dynamics methods to study thermal diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in lowconcentration zirconium hydrides. One of the methods produces sufficiently converged results to distinguish crystal orientation, isotope type, and concentration effects. With this method, crystal orientation, isotope type, and concentration effects are discussed.

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