A test of systematic coarse-graining of molecular dynamics simulations: Transport properties

CC Fu and PM Kulkarni and MS Shell and LG Leal, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 139, 094107 (2013).

DOI: 10.1063/1.4819472

To what extent can a "bottom-up" mesoscale fluid model developed through systematic coarse-graining techniques recover the physical properties of a molecular scale system? In a previous paper C.-C. Fu, P. M. Kulkarni, M. S. Shell, and L. G. Leal, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 164106 (2012), we addressed this question for thermodynamic properties through the development of coarse-grained (CG) fluid models using modified iterative Boltzmann inversion methods that reproduce correct pair structure and pressure. In the present work we focus on the dynamic behavior. Unlike the radial distribution function and the pressure, dynamical properties such as the self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity in a CG model cannot be matched during coarse-graining by modifying the pair interaction. Instead, removed degrees of freedom require a modification of the equations of motion to simulate their implicit effects on dynamics. A simple but approximate approach is to introduce a friction coefficient,gamma, and random forces for the remaining degrees of freedom, in which case gamma becomes an additional parameter in the coarse-grained model that can be tuned. We consider the non-Galilean-invariant Langevin and the Galilean-invariant dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) thermostats with CG systems in which we can systematically tune the fraction phi of removed degrees of freedom. Between these two choices, only DPD allows both the viscosity and diffusivity to match a reference Lennard-Jones liquid with a single value of gamma for each degree of coarse-graining phi. This friction constant is robust to the pressure correction imposed on the effective CG potential, increases approximately linearly with phi, and also depends on the interaction cutoff length, r(cut), of the pair interaction potential. Importantly, we show that the diffusion constant and viscosity are constrained by a simple scaling law that leads to a specific choice of DPD friction coefficient for a given degree of coarse-graining. Moreover, we find that the pair interaction distance cutoffs used for DPD random and dissipative forces should be considered separately from that of the conservative interaction potential. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

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