Current State-of-the-Art Molecular Dynamics Methods and Applications

D Vlachakis and E Bencurova and N Papangelopoulos and S Kossida, ADVANCES IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY AND STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, VOL 94, 94, 269-313 (2014).

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800168-4.00007-X

Molecular dynamics simulations are used to describe the patterns, strength, and properties of protein behavior, drug receptor interactions, the solvation of molecules, the conformational changes that a protein or molecule may undergo under various conditions, and other events that require the systematic evaluation of molecular properties in dynamic molecular systems. Only few years ago proteins were considered to be rigid body structures with very limited conformational flexibility. However, it is now clear that proteins are highly dynamic structures, the internal organization of which is the key to their 3D spatial arrangement and hence biological function. The study of protein dynamics in the lab is a very complicated, expensive, and time-consuming process. Therefore, a lot of effort and hope lies with the computers and the in sllico study of protein structure and molecular dynamics. Herein, an effort has been made to describe the ever-evolving field of molecular dynamics, the different algorithms, and force fields that are being used as well as to provide some insight on what the near future holds for this auspicious field of computational structural biology.

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