Thermal conductance of superlattice junctions

S Lu and AJH McGaughey, AIP ADVANCES, 5, 053205 (2015).

DOI: 10.1063/1.4918591

We use molecular dynamics simulations and the lattice-based scattering boundary method to compute the thermal conductance of finite-length Lennard-Jones superlattice junctions confined by bulk crystalline leads. The superlattice junction thermal conductance depends on the properties of the leads. For junctions with a superlattice period of four atomic monolayers at temperatures between 5 and 20 K, those with mass- mismatched leads have a greater thermal conductance than those with mass-matched leads. We attribute this lead effect to interference between and the ballistic transport of emergent junction vibrational modes. The lead effect diminishes when the temperature is increased, when the superlattice period is increased, and when interfacial disorder is introduced, but is reversed in the harmonic limit. (C) 2015 Author( s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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