BioVEC: A program for Biomolecule Visualization with Ellipsoidal Coarse- graining

E Abrahamsson and SS Plotkin, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING, 28, 140-145 (2009).

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2009.05.001

Biomolecule Visualization with Ellipsoidal Coarse-graining (BioVEC) is a tool for visualizing molecular dynamics simulation data while allowing coarse-grained residues to be rendered as ellipsoids. BioVEC reads in configuration files, which may be output from molecular dynamics simulations that include orientation output in either quaternion or ANISOU format, and can render frames of the trajectory in several common image formats for subsequent concatenation into a movie file. The BioVEC program is written in C++, uses the OpenGL API for rendering, and is open source. It is lightweight, allows for user-defined settings for and texture, and runs on either Windows or Linux platforms. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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