Strain-rate dependence of ramp-wave evolution and strength in tantalum

JMD Lane and SM Foiles and H Lim and JL Brown, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94, 064301 (2016).

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.064301

We have conducted molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of quasi- isentropic ramp-wave compression to very high pressures over a range of strain rates from 1011 down to 108 1/s. Using scaling methods, we collapse wave profiles from various strain rates to a master profile curve, which shows deviations when material response is strain-rate dependent. Thus, we can show with precision where, and how, strain-rate dependence affects the ramp wave. We find that strain rate affects the stress-strain material response most dramatically at strains below 20%, and that above 30% strain the material response is largely independent of strain rate. We show good overall agreement with experimental stress- strain curves up to approximately 30% strain, above which simulated response is somewhat too stiff. We postulate that this could be due to our interatomic potential or to differences in grain structure and/or size between simulation and experiment. Strength is directly measured from per-atom stress tensor and shows significantly enhanced elastic response at the highest strain rates. This enhanced elastic response is less pronounced at higher pressures and at lower strain rates.

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