Interaction of primary cascades with different atomic grain boundaries in alpha-Zr: An atomic scale study

F Hatami and SAH Feghhi and A Arjhangmehr and A Esfandiarpour, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 480, 362-373 (2016).

DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.05.036

In this paper, we investigate interaction of primary cascades with grain boundaries (GBs) in alpha-Zr using the atomistic-scale simulations, and intend to study the influence of different GB structures on production and evolution of defects on picosecond timescale. We observe that, contrary to the previous results in cubic metals, GBs in a-Zr are not necessarily biased toward interstitials, and can preferentially absorb vacancies. Further, in terms of energetic and kinetic behavior, we find that GBs act as defect sinks due to the substantial reduction of defect formation energies and migration barriers in close vicinity of the GB center, with either a preference toward interstitials or vacancies which depends on the atomic structure of the boundaries. Finally, using continuous ion bombardment, we investigate the stability of GBs in sever irradiation environment. The results indicate that the sink strength and efficiency of boundaries varies with increasing accumulated defects in GB region. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V: All rights reserved.

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