These tables map general molecular dynamics (MD) and computational terminology to specific LAMMPS commands and sections of the LAMMPS documentation. Last updated for 13 March 2018 version.
1-2, 1-3, 1-4 pairwise interactions | special_bonds |
2d simulations | Howto 2d, fixenforce2d |
2d manifolds (surfaces) | MANIFOLD |
2d vs 3d | dimension |
Ackland lattice structure | compute ackland/atom |
AGNI potential | pair_style agni |
AIREBO potential | pair_style airebo |
AMBER force field | Howto bioFF, special_bonds amber |
angle potentials | angle_style |
angular dependent potential | pair_style adp |
angular momentum | compute angmom/chunk, variable angmom |
angular momentum zeroing | fix momentum, velocity |
angular velocity | compute omega/chunk, variable omega |
aspherical particles | ASPHERE package,Howto spherical, atom_style ellipsoid, body, lammps/examples/ASPHERE dir |
AtomEye CFG file format | dump cfg |
atom averaging | fix ave/atom |
atom properties | atom_style, set |
atom swapping | fix atom/swap |
atom to continuum coupling | ATC package, fix atc |
averaging | see atom averaging, spatial averaging, correlation, histogramming, timeaveraging, chunks |
AWPMD = Antisymmetrized Wave Packet MD | AWPMD package, pair_style awpmd/cut |
barostatting | Howto barostat |
basal plane vector | compute basal/atom |
bcc lattice | lattice |
bead-spring model | see FENE bond-spring model |
Beck potential | pair_style beck |
benchmarking | Speed bench, lammps/bench dir |
Berendsen barostat | fix press/berendsen |
Berendsen thermostat | fix temp/berendsen |
body particles with internal geometry/state | BODY package, atom_style body, body |
Boltzmann distribution | velocity |
bond breaking | fix bond/break, bond_style quartic |
bond creation | fix bond/create |
bond crossing prevention | pair_style srp |
bond potentials | bond_style |
bond swapping | fix bond/swap |
bond-order potentials | MANYBODY package, pair_style tersoff, pair_style meam, pair_style reax |
BOP = bond-order potential | pair_style bop |
Born potential | pair_style born |
boundary conditions | boundary |
Brownian motion | fix langevin, pair_style brownian |
box boundaries | boundary |
box deformation | change_box, fix deform |
box relaxation | fix box/relax |
Buckingham potential | pair_style buck |
canonical sampling thermostat | fix temp.csvr, fix temp/csld |
CD-EAM = concentration dependent EAM | pair_styleeam/cd |
CMAP crossterms for CHARMM | fix cmap |
center-of-mass | compute com, compute com/chunk, variable xcm |
center-of-mass force | variable fcm |
center-of-mass velocity | compute vcm/chunk, variable vcm |
centro-symmetry factor | compute centro/atom |
CFG (AtomEye) file format | dump cfg |
change atom properties | set |
charge equilibration | QEQ package, fix qeq and variants, fix qeq/comb, fix qeq/reax |
charged particles | atom_style charge |
CHARMM force field | Howto bioFF, pair_style charmm, special_bonds charmm |
chunks of atoms | Howto chunk, see groups |
class2 force-field | CLASS2 package, pair_style lj/class2, bond_style class2 |
cluster identification | >>computecluster/atom,aggregate/atom,fragment/atom |
coarse-graining models | MSCG package, CG-DNApackage, CG-SPICApackage, DPD-MESOpackage, see oxDNA force field |
Couette flow | lammps/example/flow, see walls |
CNA = common neighbor analysis | compute cna/atom |
CNP = common neighborhood parameter | compute cnp/atom |
collective variables | COLVARS package, fix colvars, doc/PDF/colvars-refman-lammps.pdf |
colloidal particles | COLLOID package, atom_style colloid |
colloidal potentials | pair_style colloid |
COLVARS package | see collective variables |
COMB potential | pair_style comb, pair_style comb3 |
communication between processors | comm_style, comm_modify |
COMPASS force-field | CLASS2 package, pair_style lj/class2, bond_style class2 |
compression of I/O files | COMPRESS package |
constrained motion | fix move, fix lineforce, fix planeforce, fix restrain, fix spring and variants, fix drag |
continuum coupling | ATC package, fix atc |
conjugate gradient minimization | min_style cg |
contact identification | compute contact/atom |
cooling & heating | fix heat |
coordintation number | compute coord/atom |
core/shell model | CORESHELL package, Howto coreshell |
correlation, time | fix ave/correlate, fix ave/correlate/long |
Coulomb potential | pair_style coul, kspace_style |
coupling to another code | Howto couple, fix external, lammps/example/COUPLE dir |
CPU timings | timer |
cross-linking | see bond creation |
cubic lattice | lattice |
CUDA for GPUs | see GPU |
cutoff | pair_style |
CVFF force-field | improper_style cvff, harmonic bond, angle, dihedral styles |
damage (Peridynamic) | compute damage/atom |
damped dynamics minimization | min_style fire, min_style quickmin |
damped shifted force model | pair_style lj/cut/coul/dsf |
data files | read_data, write_data |
DCD file format | dump dcd |
Debye screening | pair_style lj/cut/coul/debye |
deformation | see box deformation |
delete atoms | delete_atoms |
delete bonds | delete_bonds |
density functional tight binding | LATTE package |
depositing atoms & molecules | fix deposit |
DFTB = density functional tight binding | LATTE package |
dielectric constant | dielectric, pair_style coul/diel |
dispersion, long-range | kspace_style pppm/disp, kspace_style ewald/disp, Howto dipersion |
diffraction patterns | compute saed, compute xrd, DIFFRACTION package, compute saed, compute xrd |
diffusion coefficient | Howto diffusion, compute msd, compute vacf, lammps/examples/DIFFUSE dir |
dihedral potentials | dihedral_style |
dilatation (Peridynamic) | compute dilatation/atom |
dipole moment | compute dipole/chunk |
dipoles | see electric dipoles |
diplacement vector | computediplace/atom |
dissipative particle dynamics | see DPD |
DLVO potential | pair_style colloid |
DNA coarse-grained model | see oxDNA force field |
DPD = dissipative particle dynamics | atom_styledpd, pair_style dpd,DPD-BASIC package,DPD-MESO package,DPD-REACT package |
DPD thermostat | pair_style dpd/tstat |
Dreiding force-field | Howto bioFF, pair_style dreiding |
Drude model | DRUDE package, fix drude, Howto drude, Howto drude2 |
DSMC = Direct Simulation Monte Carlo | pair_style dsmc |
dump files | dump, write_dump, read_dump |
dynamical matrix | see phonons |
dynamics | see run dynamics |
EAM = embedded atom method potentials | pair_style eam |
EDIP potential | pair_style edip |
EFF = electron force field | EFF package, pair_style eff/cut |
EHEX = enhanced heat exchange | fix ehex |
EIM = embedded ion method | pair_style eim |
elastic constants | Howto elastic, lammps/examples/ELASTIC and lammps/examples/ELASTIC_T dirs |
electric field | fix efield |
electron dynamics | AWPMD package, EFF package |
electric dipole pairwise interactions | pair_style lj/cut/dipole |
electric dipole long-range interactions | kspace_style ewald/disp |
electric dipoles | DIPOLE package, atom_style dipole |
electrons | atom_style electron |
ellipsoidal particles | atom_style ellipsoid, ASPHERE package, pair_style gayberne, pair_style resquared |
embedding Python | see Python |
energy minimization | see minimization |
energy, kinetic | see kinetic energy |
energy, potential | see potential energy |
energy, rotational | see rotational energy |
evaporation | fix evaporate |
error and warning messages | Errors |
Ewald summation | kspace_style ewald, kspace_style ewald/disp |
excluded pair interactions | special_bonds |
extended Tersoff potential | see Tersoff extended potential |
extensional flow | UEF package |
FLD = fast lubrication dynamics | FLD package, pair_style lubricateU |
fcc lattice | lattice |
FENE bead-spring model | bond_style fene |
finite-size particles | see spherical or ellipsoidal particles |
Finnis-Sinclaire EAM potential | pair_style eam/fs |
FIRE damped dynamics minimization | min_style fire |
force-bias Monte Carlo | fix tfmc |
free energy | compute ti,fix colvars, fix adapt/fep,compute fep, FEP package,PLUMED |
freezing atoms | fix freeze |
frictional potentials | see granular models |
g(r) | see radial distribution function |
Gao Weber potential | pair_style gao/weber |
GAP = Gaussian approximation potential | pair_stylequip, QUIP package |
Gaussian dynamics (GD) method | fix flow/gauss |
Gaussian potential | pair_style gauss, pair_style gauss/cut |
GayBerne potential | pair_style gayberne, doc/PDF/pair_gayberne_extra.pdf |
GCMC = grand-canonical Monte Carlo | fix gcmc |
generalized Langevin dynamics | fix gld |
generalized Langevin equation thermostat | fix gle |
generalized replica exchange | fix grem, see tempering |
geometric regions | region |
Gibbs free energy | see free energy |
grain boundary creation | lattice orient, create_atoms |
grain boundary forces | fix orient/fcc, fix orient/bcc |
granular models | GRANULAR package, Howto granular, pair_style granular, LIGGGHTS |
granular particles | atom_style sphere |
granular potentials | pair_style granular |
gravity | fix gravity |
GPU = graphical processing units | GPU package, KOKKOS package, Speed_packages |
Gromacs force field | pair_style gromacs |
Gromacs index file | group2ndx |
groups of atoms | group, see chunks |
Hamiltonian dynamics thermostat | see canonical sampling thermostat |
harmonic angle potentials | angle_style harmonic |
harmonic bond potentials | bond_style harmonic |
harmonic dihedral potentials | dihedral_style harmonic |
harmonic improper potentials | improper_style harmonic |
hcp lattice | lattice |
HDF5 file format | dump h5md, H5MD package |
heat flux | compute heat/flux |
heating & cooling | fix heat |
hexatic order parameter | compute hexorder/atom |
HFTN = Hessian-free truncated-Newton minimization | min_style hftn |
hexagonal lattice | lattice |
hierarchical time stepping | run-style respa |
histogramming | fix ave/histo, fix ave/histo.weight |
history-dependent potential | pair_style granular |
Hugoniostat equations of motion | fix nphug, SHOCK package |
hybrid models and potentials | pair_style hybrid |
hydrogen-bonding potential | pair_style dreiding |
implicit solvent | pair_style lj/cut/coul/debye, pair_style coul/diel |
improper potentials | improper_style |
indentation | fix indent |
inertia tensor | compute inertia/chunk, variable inertia |
input to simulation | Commands, read_data |
Intel CPU optimization | INTEL package, OPT package, Speed packages |
Intel Phi | see Xeon Phi |
interactive MD & visualization | fix imd |
i-PI Python | see PIMD |
JPG files | dump image |
kappa | see thermal conductivity |
KIM = Knowledbase of Interatomic Models | KIM package, pair_style kim |
kinetic energy | compute ke, compute ke/atom |
KOKKOS = performance portability package | KOKKOSpackage |
Kolmogorov-Crespi potential | pair_stylekolmogorov/crespi/z |
K-space solvers | see long-range solvers |
Langevin dynamics | fix langevin, fix gld |
Langevin dynamics thermostat | see canonical sampling thermostat |
Langevin thermostat | fix langevin |
LATTE density functional tight binding code | LATTE package |
lattice Bolztmann fluid | LATBOLTZ package, fix lb/fluid |
lattices of atoms | lattice, create_atoms |
LCBOP = long-range bond-order potential | pair_style lcbop |
Lennard-Jones potential | pair_style lj |
library interface and API | Howto library |
LIGGGHTS = LAMMPS Improved for General Granular and Granular Heat Transfer Simulations | LIGGGHTS web site |
line (2d) particles | atom_style line, fix rigid |
line/line interactions | pair_style line/lj |
linear momentum zeroing | fix momentum, velocity |
load balancing | balance, fix balance |
load, imposed | fix aveforce |
long-range order biasing | fix_rhok |
long-range solvers | KSPACE package, kspace_style, doc/PDF/kpace.pdf |
long-range Coulombics | see long-range solvers |
long-range dipoles | kspace_style ewald/disp |
long-range dispersion | see long-range solvers |
lubrication potential | pair_style lubricate |
machine learned potentials | SNAPpackage, see GAP potential, see AGNI potential |
manifolds = 2d surfaces | MANIFOLD |
manybody potentials | MANYBODY package, pair_style |
mass of atoms | mass |
MEAM = modified EAM potential | MEAM and MEAM packages, pair_style meam, pair_style meam/spline |
MEAM-SW = MEAM + Stillinger-Weber | pair_style meam/sw/spline |
mean-squared displacement | compute msd, compute msd/chunk |
mesoscale models | see coarse-graining |
metal-organic many-body potential (MOMB) | see MOMB potential |
MGPT potential | pair_style mgpt, MGPT package |
Mie potential | pair_style mie |
minimization | minimize, min_style |
mixing of potential parameters | pair_modifymix |
MOF-FF force field | MOFFF package |
molecular force fields | MOLECULE package |
molecule templates & topology | molecule, read_data |
molecules | atom_style molecular, molecule |
molfile plug-ins for VMD | dump molfile,MOLFILE package |
mollified impulse method | fixfilter/corotate |
MOMB = metal-organic many-body potential | pair_style momb |
moments of inertia | see inertia tensor |
momentum zeroing | see linear momentum zeroing and angular momentum zeroing |
Monte Carlo methods | MC package, fix atom/swap, fix gcmc, fix tfmc, lammps/examples/MC dir |
Morse bond potential | bond_style morse |
Morse pair potential | pair_style morse |
movies | dump movie |
MPCD = multi-particle collision dynamics | see SRD |
MPI-IO parallel I/O | MPIIO package, dump mpiio, write_resatrt, read_restart |
MSCG = multi-scale coarse-graining model | MGCG package |
MSM = multi-level summation Coulombics | kspace_style msm |
MSST = multi-scale shock technique | fix msst, fix qmbsst |
multilevel summation method (MSM) | kspace_style msm |
multiple simulations | Howto multiple |
multi-replica methods | REPLICA package, Howto replica, temper, prd, tad |
multi-scale coarse-graining (MSCG) model | MGCG package |
neighbor lists | neighbor, neigh_modify |
neighbor skin distance | neighbor |
NEB = nudged elastic band | neb |
NEMD = non-equilibrium MD | Howto nemd, fixdeform |
NetCDF file format | dump netcdf, NETCDF package |
Newton's 3rd law | newton |
NGP = non-Gaussian parameter | compute msd/nongauss |
N-M potential for ionic liquids | pair_style nm |
nonbond interactions | pair_style |
nonbonded 3-body harmonic potential | pair_style nb3b/harmonic |
non-Gaussian mean-squared displacement | compute msd/nongauss |
non-orthogonal simulation box | see triclinic simulation box |
non-periodic boundary conditions | boundary |
normalization | thermo_modify norm |
Nose/Hoover barostat | fix npt, fix nph |
Nose/Hoover thermostat | fix nvt |
NPH ensemble | fix nph and variants |
NPT ensemble | fix npt and variants |
nudged elastic band | see NEB |
NUMA mapping | processors |
NVE ensemble | fix nve and variants |
NVK (isokinetic) ensemble | fix nvk |
NVT ensemble | fix nvt and variants |
one-way motion | fix oneway |
OpenMP usage | OPENMP package, KOKKOS package, Speed packages |
OPLS force field | dihedral_style opls |
orientational order | compute orientorder/atom |
orthogonal simulation box | create_box, change_box, Howto triclinic |
out-of-plane potentials | improper_style |
output from simulation | Howto output |
overlapping atoms | delete_atoms |
overlayed potentials | pair_stylehybrid/overlay |
oxDNA force field | pair oxdna/* |
pair potentials | pair_style |
pairwise interactions | pair_style |
parallel I/O via MPI-IO | dump mpiio, write_resatrt, read_restart |
parallel replica dynamics | see PRD |
parallel tempering | see tempering |
particle mesh Ewald | see PME |
performance monitoring | timer, Speed measure, lammps/bench dir |
Peridynamics | atom_style peri, PERI package, doc/PDF/PDLampps_overview.pdf |
periodic boundary conditions | boundary |
Phi, Intel | see Xeon Phi |
phonons | PHONON package,fix phonon |
PID controller (proportional, integrative, derivative) | fixcontroller |
PIMD = path-integral MD | fix ipi, fix pimd |
piston | fix wall/piston |
plasticity (Peridynamic) | compute plasticity/atom |
plotting of output data | Tools, Tools python |
PME = particle-mesh Ewald | kspace_style pppm |
PNG files | dump image |
POEMS = constrained rigid-body motion | POEMS package, fix poems |
point dipoles | atom_style dipole, pair lj/cut/dipole |
Poiseuille flow | lammps/examples/flow, fix addforce |
polarizable models | Howto polarizable |
polymer equilibration | see bond swapping |
polymorphic potential | pair_style polymorphic |
post-processing of output data | Tools |
potential energy | compute pe, compute pe/atom |
pouring of particles | fix pour |
PPM files | dump image |
PPPM = particle-particle particle-mesh | kspace_style pppm |
PRD = parallel replica dynamics | prd |
pre-processing of input data | Tools |
pressure and stress | compute pressure, compute stress/atom, TALLY package |
processor mapping | processors, see NUMA |
PUT = profile unbiased thermostat | compute temp/profile |
Python | Python, PYTHON package, python,, lammps/python dir |
QBMSST = quantum-bath coupled multi-scale shock technique | see MSST |
QEq | see charge equilibration |
QMMM = quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics | fix qmmm |
Quantum Espresso coupling | see QMMM |
quantum coupling | see QMMM, see DFTB |
quantum nuclear effects | fix qtb, QTB package |
quantum thermal bath | fix qtb, QTB package |
QuickMin damped dynamics minimization | min_style quickmin |
QUIP potentials | pair_style quip, QUIP package |
radial distribution function | compute rdf |
radius of gyration | compute gyration, compute gyration/chunk |
RATTLE constraints | fix rattle |
RCB = recursive coordinate bisectioning | balance, fix balance |
reactive dissipative particle dynamics | see DPD |
reactive force field (ReaxFF) | see ReaxFF potential |
ReaxFF potential | REAX and REAXFF package, pair_stylereax, pair_style reax/c |
ReaxFF bonds | fix reax/bonds |
REBO potential | pair_style rebo |
regions, geometric | region |
reflective wall | fix wall/reflect |
replica methods | REPLICA package |
replica exchange | see tempering |
replicate a system | replicate |
rerun a simulation | rerun |
RE-squared anisotropic potential | pair_style resquared |
restart files | restart, write_restart, read_restart |
restarting a simulation | Howto restart |
rigid bodies | RIGID package, fix rigid and variants, fix rigid/small and variants, POEMS package |
rotational energy | compute erotate/sphere, compute erotate/asphere |
rRESPA time stepping | run_style respa |
run dynamics | run |
running multiple simulations | Howto multiple |
SPICA coarse-grained MD | CG-SPICA package, pair_style lj/spica |
set atom properties | set |
SHAKE constraints | fix shake |
Shardlow splitting for DPD | fix shardlow |
shell commands | shell |
shift of potential | pair_modify shift |
shock propagation | SHOCK package, fix msst, fix append/atoms |
skin distance, neighbor | neighbor |
simulation box | see orthogonal or triclinic simulation box |
simulation input | Commands, read_data |
simulation output | Howto output |
SLLOD equationsxs of motion | fix nvt/sllod |
SNAP = spectral neighbor analysis potential | pair_style snap, SNAP package |
snapshots of atoms | see dump |
soft potential | pair_style soft |
spatial averaging | fix ave/chunk |
smoothed Mach dynamics | atom_style smd,MACHDYN package, SPHpackage,doc/PDF/SMD_LAMMPS_userguide.pdf |
smoothed particle hydrodynamics | see SPH |
SMTBQ = second-moment tight-binding QEq potential | pair_style smtbq, SMTBQ package |
SPC water | Howto spc |
SPH = smoothed particle hydrodynamics | atom_style meso, SPH package, MACHDYN package, doc/PDF/SPH_LAMMPS_userguide.pdf |
spherical particles | Howto spherical, atom_style sphere |
spring force constraints | fix spring, fix spring/rg, fix spring/self |
square lattice | lattice |
SRD = stochastic rotation dynamics | SRD package, fix srd |
steepest descent minimization | min_style sd |
steered MD | fix smd |
Stillinger-Weber potential | pair_style sw |
Stockmayer model | pair_style lj/cut/dipole/long |
Stokesian dynamics | FLD package, pair_style lubricateU |
Streitz-Mintmire potential | pair_style coul/streitz |
stress | see pressure and stress |
stress/strain calculations | fix deform |
tabulated potentials | pair_style table, bond_style table, angle_style table, diherdral_style table |
TAD = temperature accelerated dynamics | tad |
tail contribution of potential | pair_modify tail |
taper functions for potentials | pair_style mdf |
targeted MD | fix tmd |
temperature | Howto temperature, compute temp and variants |
temperature accelerated dynamics | see TAD |
temperature rescaling | fix temp/rescale |
tempering | temper, temper/npt, temper/grem, Howto replica |
tethering potential | pair_style gauss, pair_style gauss/cut |
Tersoff extended potential | pair_style extep |
Tersoff potential | pair_style tersoff |
Tersoff modified potential | pair_style tersoff/mod |
Tersoff ZBL potential | pair_style tersoff/zbl |
thermal conductivity | Howto kappa, lammps/examples/KAPPA andlammps/examples/HEAT dirs |
thermodynamic integration | compute ti, fix adapt, fix ti/spring |
thermodynamic output | thermo, thermo_style |
thermostatting | Howto thermostat |
threading | see OpenMP usage |
time averaging | fix ave/time |
time correlation | fix ave/correlate |
time integration | run, run_style run |
timestep | timestep, fix dt/reset, reset_timestep |
timestep limiting | fix nve/limit |
timings (CPU) | timer |
TIP3P water | Howto tip3p |
TIP4P water | Howto tip4p |
torque | variable torque, fix addtorque, compute torque/chunk |
torsional potentials | dihedral_style |
triangular lattice | lattice |
triqngular particles | atom_style tri, fix rigid |
tri/tri interactions | pair_style tri/lj |
triclinic simulation box | create_box, region prism, change_box, box, Howto triclinic |
two-temperature electron model | fix ttm, fix ttm/mod |
UFM Uhlenbech-Ford potential | pair_style ufm |
umbrella sampling | fix spring |
units | units |
VACF = velocity auto-correlation function | compute vacf |
variable timestep | fix dt/reset |
Vashishita potential | pair_style vashishita |
velocity, setting of | velocity |
Verlet time stepping | run_style verlet |
virial computation | compute pressure, compute stress/atom |
viscosity | Howto viscosity, lammps/examples/VISCOSITY dir |
viscous damping | fix viscous |
visualization | Howto viz, dump image, dump movie |
VMD molfile plug-ins | see molfile plug-ins for VMD |
Voronoi tesselation | VORONOI package, compute voronoi/atom |
VTK file format | dump vtk, VTK package |
walls | Howto walls, fix wall and variants |
warning and error messages | Errors |
water models | Howto spc, Howto tip3p, Howto tip4p, |
Wolf potential | pair_style coul/wolf |
Xeon Phi (Intel) | INTEL package, KOKKOS package, Speed packages |
XTC file format | dump xtc, XTC package |
XYZ file format | dump xyz |
Yukawa potential | pair_style yukawa |
Yukawa colloid potential | pair_style yukawa/colloid |
ZBL = Ziegler-Biersack-Littmark potential | pair_style zbl |