Contributed Talk
The State of the LAMMPS KOKKOS Package

Sandia National Laboratories
- Wednesday, 11 Aug 2021
14:45 - 15:00 EDT
Upcoming supercomputers (NERSC Permutter, ORNL Frontier, and ANL Aurora) feature several different types of GPU hardware (from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel). Using the Kokkos performance portability library [1] protects developers from having to maintain multiple versions of LAMMPS for each of these (and future) machines. In the LAMMPS KOKKOS package, C++ code is written once using Kokkos abstractions in a form that looks independent of the target hardware, and then target-specific code (i.e. CUDA, HIP or SYCL) is generated at compile-time. An overview of recent improvements to the LAMMPS KOKKOS package will be given, along with performance measurements on different hardware.
- H. C. Edwards, C. R. Trott, and D. J. Sunderland, Kokkos: Enabling manycore performance portability through polymorphic memory access patterns, Parallel Distr. Com., 74, 12 (2014), 3202-3216.